Tuesday, March 10, 2015

need help with a hacker

     My family and I have been harassed by this hacker (a member of our own family) for over two years.  This woman has hacked into everything you can think of including bank accounts, online shopping accounts, game consoles, cell phones, and my own network. Even though we know who is doing this and have all of her info nobody seems to care or want to help. We have attempted to get a restraining order which was not granted (the judge wants to hear her side), we have filed police reports, closed all online shopping accounts, and tried talking to our banks.  We get lots of sympathy but very little or no help.  

     She has hacked my school account dropping all the classes I was enrolled in, and somehow keeping me from getting a job anywhere. Lately she has been making online purchases in my name and in my computer with companies such as Amazon and Best Buy and charging them to my mother's bank account. I have tried talking to these companies getting no help or interest from either one.

     I am very nervous that this will all come back to me having it all in my name and with my info. All I am trying to do is get an education and have a normal life but this person keeps blocking me at every turn. I have no job and very little money to pay for legal help but I have got to do something before this gets any worse. I would really appreciate it if anyone can help us or point me in the direction of someone that might be able to help us. Thank you.

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