Friday, July 18, 2014

2 years of terror part 1

For two years now my family and I have been harrassed and stalked by a member of our own family. This person use to be invited to everything, loved by everyone, and even stayed with several of is in the all started in September of 2012 shortly after I graduated from High school. She wanting me to sell this product by the company one24, after looking online and doing a lot of research I find out that this company was a multi level marketing scheme aka a pyramid scheme.

     I contact this person just to warn her of this company, what I have found out, and tell you I am not interested in selling this product, it was at this where she totally went of the deep end starting to call and hang up umpteen times a day making codes out of it such as have the phone ring once the wait ring two times wait and then a final four times.

     I was attending Long Beach City College moveing forward with my interest in film, when close to the end of the spring semester I am told by everyone that I have dropped from my classes and have my completeness to low so I was being put on hold. All of this along with hang up phone calls and her hacking into my own and my grandmothers bank account. After several police reports, lots of frustration, and now unable to continue with my schooling until the hold is taken off she starts in with sending emails with pornagrapic pictures and signing me up on over 30! Porn accounts a cross the web.

     All we wanted was to warn her about this company and tell her we were not interested in trying t sell it but by this point all we wanted was to just be left alone.

1 comment:

  1. It's usually not the person who took the pics that posted them..
