Thursday, March 12, 2015

Need help at school

Hi my name is Jared, I am enrolled in Long Beach City College studying cyber security and forensics. I want to complete my education ending with a PHD and then help people stay secure and not have hacks on their networks. My long-term goal is to work in the CIA to help keep our great country safe from cyber threats. I was born a crack baby and have had to fight my entire life but am determined never to give up. please visit this link if you can help me reach my goals and my dreams.

Thank you,

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

need help with a hacker

     My family and I have been harassed by this hacker (a member of our own family) for over two years.  This woman has hacked into everything you can think of including bank accounts, online shopping accounts, game consoles, cell phones, and my own network. Even though we know who is doing this and have all of her info nobody seems to care or want to help. We have attempted to get a restraining order which was not granted (the judge wants to hear her side), we have filed police reports, closed all online shopping accounts, and tried talking to our banks.  We get lots of sympathy but very little or no help.  

     She has hacked my school account dropping all the classes I was enrolled in, and somehow keeping me from getting a job anywhere. Lately she has been making online purchases in my name and in my computer with companies such as Amazon and Best Buy and charging them to my mother's bank account. I have tried talking to these companies getting no help or interest from either one.

     I am very nervous that this will all come back to me having it all in my name and with my info. All I am trying to do is get an education and have a normal life but this person keeps blocking me at every turn. I have no job and very little money to pay for legal help but I have got to do something before this gets any worse. I would really appreciate it if anyone can help us or point me in the direction of someone that might be able to help us. Thank you.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Terrible Service, Food, and All

     My family and I have been coming to this restaurant my whole life (21 Years) and we have always loved it and raved that there food was the best in town. Today was the third time we have had a terrible experience and that is enough! The food tastes like it was cooked by an amateur, They prices way to high for the Quality of the food, The service is so bad almost non-existent you have to serve your self for most the things you need (Napkins, Salt & Pepper, Sugar, Menus). The only thing the service was prompt on was to bring you your overpriced bill. The worst part of the Experience for me was that the Manager and Owner did not care one bit when I and other patrons confronted him with our dissatisfaction. my family, our friends we were with, and I will never be going back to this place again and I highly discourage anyone else to go here and take your business elsewhere.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Stress needs to be beaten

I have been fighting back depression and a boat load of stress for a while now but stress is the enemy and we all have some stress in us, The thing that helped me the most when I am feeling depressed, trapped, or worthless is adding an other chapter to my ever going novel. When I get into my book I escape into that world and live the life of the main charector. Stress is a killer and depression is not fun, so find a outlet that makes you get lost like starting a novel, or reading a novel, or even creating a play or song. Never stop fighting, the road will eventually flatten out.


St. Louis Rams quarterback Sam Bradford is out for the 2014 season after he tore the ACL in his left knee in Saturday night's preseason game against the Cleavland Browns, (painful)
It is the same injury that sidelined Bradford in the middle of last season.
 coach Jeff Fisher of the St. Louis Rams is expected to confirm the news at his 5 p.m. news conference.

You are yourself!

Dieting is very hard to do and is a life long battle. I can think of several hard things with dieting but one good thing makes all the bad go away from your mind. Nothing tastes better then being thin feels! I am not saying we all have to be as thin as a rail but just thin enough so that you fell good abut your self and like the way you look. Don't worry abut how others see you or how they might think of you, do and look what makes you happy and feel good abut your self.

Lets run

Running is my exercise of choice. Not only does it Make you feel good and help you get heather it helps me release stress and calms me down while I am running. Running is a great and healthy drug to get hooked on so go ahead and join me in doing some Running!